Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I Am Looking Forward To Be Cooking with the 4 Hour Chef

To Experience the 4 Hour Chef Soon!

"I am actually a novice when it comes to cooking and I never thought that I would be this happy seeing my family and friends enjoying every food that I served in the table. It was then that I thought of getting more into cooking. From then on, I got more into recipe books than anything else, I get updates always just like I learned that the 4 hour chef will be in print on April of 2012. This news made me excited since I am already enjoying the videos of 4 hour chef and for it to be in print is more exciting for I don’t have to play any videos anymore. I can then get hold of the book anytime I want and I can grab it anytime I need it in the kitchen. The thought of the 4 Hour Chef book on my kitchen is very pleasing and excites me at the same time."  ~ Jessica

The moment I heard from a friend who is so in love with cooking, about the publication in print of the 4 Hour Chef, I then cannot contain myself from the excitement of knowing how to cook new delicious recipes again. Although I was told that it may be published on early next year, I am anticipating getting hold of it. Cooking has been my past time since I knew how to move myself in the kitchen, yet I have not come to a point where I feel the need to get a degree on it or become a professional Chef. To know the basics of cooking and have some extra knowledge on how to make tasty foods are already enough for me. I am looking forward to the new, scrumptious, healthy and cheap recipes that I may learn from it. 

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